That's A to the D to the O to the R-ABLE... Oh my god, what are we supposed to do with such a freaking cute kid on our hands? I wanted a girl at first, but I am totally sold on the boy thing right now. He's a heartbreaker....
hey scootking, boys are way easier. He is so non-boy cute too. Seriously, girls are way too complicated. Especially as none of us lesbians ever really were girls when we were little, so what do we know?. So I had the experience of plunking into the life of two little boys and a little girl(Martha's kids, now my kids too!) and the boys are so, soooooo, soooooo, sssssooooooooo easy. Girls are a mess. Stick with boys just like Karsten. He's perfect. Rachel
hey scootking, boys are way easier. He is so non-boy cute too. Seriously, girls are way too complicated. Especially as none of us lesbians ever really were girls when we were little, so what do we know?. So I had the experience of plunking into the life of two little boys and a little girl(Martha's kids, now my kids too!) and the boys are so, soooooo, soooooo, sssssooooooooo easy. Girls are a mess. Stick with boys just like Karsten. He's perfect. Rachel