"This Solar Eclipse raises core issues. So fluff up your pillows, get comfortable, and listen to the small, still voice within - making sure to ask it whether it would like you to make any changes to your course."
The farmer who runs our crop share at Hogwash Farms had a heart attack recently. On Saturday morning I volunteered to help him out at the Clintonville Farmer's Market until he gets back on his feet. I haven't had that much fun at work in 3 years. AND, I got paid in cherries, blueberries, broccoli, farm fresh eggs and one perfect red onion.
When I told my 7 year old niece about my new job I couldn't tell if she was more impressed by me working for the farmer or the fact that I got paid in fruits and vegetables.
Kids are good at reminding us that being happy is what matters most. I am looking forward to having our own kid to share my happy day with at whatever career happens for me in the next few years. Whatever it is, I look forward to the change of course and in the meantime I am going to keep my ears open, listening for that little voice telling me to follow my heart.
fruits of my labor
That's pretty sweet you got paid with fruits and veggies! What a deal. Kids are awesome...especially some of the ideas they come up with. We could learn a lot from them. A pretty good book for help on following your heart is "The Element" by Ken Robinson :) Hope you guys enjoyed your farm fresh goodies!