Somehow it seems fitting that for Karsten's first day out of the house, he got to ride in style in this 1985 Chrysler Town and Country. What a lucky little bugger. P.S. We didn't tell him it was a hooptie!
We have fallen behind in the past 3 weeks, so these posts won't be in chronological order for now. In any case, yesterday Karsten got a Steif Bear from his friend Monica in Germany. We named her Leona. As my colleague at work said when she saw this picture, "He's a long drink of water." We're thoroughly enamoured...
It's old news now, but we wanted to post a picture of Karsten in his first hours. He was born on Wednesday, December 15th at 3:36 a.m., weighing in at a respectable 7 lbs and measuring 20.5 inches long (though we suspect the midwives might have measured him a bit short!). He was born at home, in a birthing tub, by the light of one candle. Liv was stupendous and the midwives were fantastic. All in all it was a truly inspiring experience and a blessed gift to be part of. We're delighted to welcome him to our family.